This article attempts to show the keys to OpenMet’s work environment model based on EFQM. In the 5F model, “The 5 factors for assessing human and organizational potential”, the first factor is Commitment.
Commitment is composed of three major indicators that orient the keys to this factor. These are: Strategy and culture, Engagement and Loyalty.
1. Strategy and culture.
This indicator will help us to understand the Strategy on the one hand: whether our employees are aware of the company’s goals, their role in the company, whether they sense that the organization trusts its people and the vision of future prospects. This is critical to understanding whether “we are all headed in the same direction.” Culture is analyzed through Management’s orientation to recognition, alignment with the goals of the latter and knowledge of and adherence to the values and culture of the company.
2. Engagement.
This is the second indicator of the Commitment factor. Engagement concerns direct vision, the work itself, and – indirectly – the organization. Awareness of the objectives and their clarity and willingness to work over and above what is expected are the items that best represent this direct vision. The pride of belonging to the company and even the department are key for organizational engagement.
3. Loyalty.
In this indicator, several general items are analyzed that we can consider key and as having the greatest influence on commitment. On the one hand, the perception of being a good place to work and contentment with the work done as an employee and, on the other, the recommendation to others as a good place to work and repetition in the choice of current company.
In summary, Commitment in the 5F work environment model relates to strategic aspects of the company, the future vision of the company, the alignment with values and culture, engagement with one’s own work and with the organization, loyalty to the organization, recommending to others, pride in what is done and the general perception of the company as being a good place to work.
More information on Work Environment.