Openmet Feedback Manager
Openmet YouMakePlans
YouMakePlans facilitate the creation, deployment, management, and execution of Objectives and Action Plans for individual or business improvement

What is Openmet YouMakePlans and which are its benefits?
- It helps to formalize, organize and mobilize the organization “so that things happen”:
· Formalizes: Provides the conceptual framework to create objectives, action plans, managers, calendars and metrics
· Organize: Delegate, order and chain actions and objectives, helping their deployment
· Mobilize: Metrics and email alerts allow you to track progress and encourage execution - Provides a global and partial visualization and monitoring (regional managers)
- Calculate global and partial aggregated metrics (KPIs)
- It is easy to use, saves time and resources compared to other systems (computerized, manual or not using any system)
- It is in the Cloud, always accessible from any computer / smartphone
- Allows export to Excel

- Creation and monitoring of Objectives:
· Owner / manager assignment
· Fixing metrics
· Calculation of KPIs (metrics) of automatic progress from actions (with the possibility of weighting)
· Link to KPIs and segments - Creation and monitoring of improvement action plans:
· Assignment of owner / manager
· Link to objectives - Automatic calendar diagrams
- Creation of areas of action that allow separating groups of different Objectives
- Compact (Objectives only) or detailed display (Objectives and actions)
- Various filters allow partial visualization (by person in charge, by evaluation, etc.)
- Grouping of Objectives by various criteria (responsible, evaluation, etc.)
- Users with different Roles / Permissions that allows partial visualization, ideal for regional or department managers:
· Regional managers only see the objectives and actions that are under their control (responsibility tree)
· Metrics and exports are tailored to the objectives over which you have control
If you want to know more, at Openmet Group we write our own articles in order to help you grow your business
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How can we help?
With Openmet Feedback Manager you get a professional survey and data analytics platform.
Why don’t we start?