Openmet People
Competency and 360º assessments
We advise on the design of diagnostic processes, management by competency assessment and 360º feedback.
What are competency assessments?
Competence-based evaluation is a process that allows companies to learn about the competencies of their employees through self-evaluation and evaluation by those who work with the employee.
It allows for dynamic adaptation of people to the needs of the organization; that is, it helps to manage and align the skills of employees and the needs of the company.
360º Evaluation means that each individual is analyzed by the key people he/she interacts within the work environment, as well as a self-evaluation of his/her own competencies.
What are job skills?
Job skills are behaviors, personal characteristics, attitudes, and motivations. The Openmet People competency model (which can be used as a basis for creating your own competency dictionary) distinguishes between 4 broad areas of competencies: Results Management Competencies, Social Competencies, Management Competencies and Personal Management Competencies.
Goals and desired results of the competency assessment
- Identify abilities and skills of employees
- Automation of 360º Feedback process through the Openmet Feedback Manager Platform
- Self-reflection of those being evaluated regarding their competences
- Open a channel of communication between bosses and employees
- Lean about strengths and areas for improvement
- Identify training and development needs
- Employees who are better prepared for the company’s future challenges
- Strategic vision. Align professional development with the objectives of the company
How we work the evaluation by competencies
- Define the type of study that will be carried out: Evaluation by superiors (90º), by superiors and co-workers (180º), and by superiors, co-workers and collaborators (360º).
- We help to define competence profiles of employees through interviews with key people. We can adapt to definitions or models already in use
- We use the Openmet Feedback Manager platform to design, distribute and fill in questionnaires
- We provide training sessions on the competence model before the evaluation, explaining each skill to everyone who answers the survey or to the team leaders.
- We manage the distribution and data collection process through electronic surveys
- Our platform Openmet Feedback Manager grants access to results and automated reports in Word format for each person evaluated, allowing you to view competences by department or other groupings
- We provide support in the follow-up interviews by sitting in or giving group training sessions. The follow-up interview is the key part of the competence evaluation: it is the end of the evaluation process and the beginning of planning for the future
- We can help and support you throughout the process
To help you better understand our products and services, we are providing you with a free Competency Assessment survey demonstration.
Automatic demonstration of the software through the Internet and e-mail (sending electronic sample surveys and access to the Openmet Feedback Manager Business Intelligence environment to see the results):
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How can we help?
Here at Openmet People we can help you to manage and diagnose a large proportion of the key information needed to ensure good performance by a company’s human capital.
We can help you to maximise the success of your projects thanks to the combination of experience, know-how and software
Why don’t we start?