Openmet People

Employee Experience

Continuous evaluation of employee engagement, wellbeing and satisfaction

Employee Experience initiatives aim to comprehend, assess, and enhance the full range of interactions that employees encounter with the organization during their tenure. Incorporating both emotional and rational elements into this experience is crucial. At Openmet we help you define and evaluate the Employee Journey, which contains the most important steps of this experience.

Unlike traditional climate studies, the Employee Experience is a constant process of continuous improvement of engagement, wellbeing and satisfaction. Employees provide feedback when and where/how they want, and our experts help you design the right strategy, methodology and technology to get the process going. You will have real-time data to take action and make improvement decisions

Customer and employee journey

Advice on the design, methodology, evaluation, diagnosis and action plan

The Employee Experience encompasses the different emotions, perceptions, and opinions that employees feel and have throughout these interactions with the organization. We help you define them. To evaluate the employee experience, the following should be defined:

  • Employee Journey: A temporal map of the most important interactions and stages employees have with the organization, describing their perceptions and emotions over time, from the moment they are hired until their departure from the company. It is typically depicted as a map, known as the Employee Journey Map.
  • Stages or Touchpoints: Detailed description of each of the interactions that people experience throughout the Employee Journey

Working methodology

  • At Openmet we help you define the Employee Journey Map, which contains the most important moments in this experience.
  • We help you define the surveys and metrics. You will be able to measure the eNPS and identify the pain moments, which will allow you to understand what and how to improve.
  • We manage the sending of online surveys, with high aesthetic and functional adaptability. We integrate with your systems so that they can be automatic.
  • With Openmet Feedback Manager, our powerful data analytics system with Business Intelligence, you will be able to monitor and analyze the results in real time.
  • With the automatic alarms, you will get automatic notifications whenever there is a bad result.

Advantages and benefits

  • Rapid detection of problems that affect employee engagement, loyalty and satisfaction, global and/or specific by department, job position, etc.
  • Our employee experience experts will advise you on the methodology, the process to follow and the system to obtain feedback from employees.
  • We analyze and present the results of the employee experience assessment, identifying strengths and areas for improvement to know how to improve their experience.
  • External benchmarking/comparisons.
  • We accompany and support you throughout the process, so that everything goes well and you obtain relevant results that help your company to improve.
  • With Openmet Feedback Manager, you will be able to generate unlimited Word, PDF and Excel reports.


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How can we help?

Here at Openmet People we can help you to manage and diagnose a large proportion of the key information needed to ensure good performance by a company’s human capital.
We can help you to maximise the success of your projects thanks to the combination of experience, know-how and software

Why don’t we start?